Some Ideas For The Betterment Of The Working World
November 27, 2019

There are many reasons that many employees are unhappy all throughout the workforce here in the United States. In some cases, they simply do not feel as supported as they should be. They aren’t encouraged to do their best work, either. As a matter of fact, this is actually the case for the majority of employees in this country – up to 80% of them, as a matter of fact. The data even shows that around one fifth of all people are actually of the opinion that their superiors are providing them above.
In addition to this, many employees feel that work spaces are not nearly diverse enough. This is not a recent problem and has been present throughout history, especially since women and minorities were first beginning to get equal rights. Fortunately, things have come a long way, but there is still a long way to go. After all, only about 5% of all CEOs for Fortune 500 companies are actually women, with the brunt of the CEO population still made up by almost exclusively men.
On top of all of this, sometimes the hiring process for any given company or business simply is not thorough enough. As a matter of fact, this process is all too often lacking, meaning that the wrong person will get hired for the role – and will not be able to adequately fill it. In addition to this, the on boarding process for just about any company is a hugely important one. In fact, the on boarding process can virtually make or break the success of the employee in the company. And when the on boarding process is a lacking one, it can serve to set up the employee in question for failure.
All of this, unfortunately, leads to the problem of employee retention seen all throughout the United States. Data that is now years old shows that this problem has been going on for quite some time, with more than two and a half million people leaving their jobs in the June of 2015 alone. That already marked a considerable jumps from years prior – and is a number that has only continued to grow in the near half of a decade that has followed since. Unfortunately, the millennial generation has even become known as the job hopping generation, with up to 60% of all people in this generation saying that they would move to a new job if it was offered – and gave them better options than their current job does.
Fortunately, there are a number of steps that we can take to reduce such issues as laid out above. For instance, diversity initiatives through HR structure models have helped to make workplaces more and more diverse with each passing year, something many HR structure models and human resources executive recruiters can attest to. And the benefits of diversity through HR structure models are beginning to make themselves known. After all, an ethnically diverse workplace created through HR structure models can actually outperform the average non diverse workplace by as much as a full 35%. And even just including more gender diversity through HR structure models can actually increase the performance of a work space by still 15%, at least in comparison to other less diverse companies out there.
And in addition to this, boosting employee morale through HR structure models and with the help of a restructuring consultant can be done through various employee recognition programs. These programs might be a small change to make, but they actually really work. As a matter of fact, more than 85% of all companies who have tried out such initiatives have seen a considerable climb in overall employee happiness. And when happiness increase, job retention is likely to improve as well. So too might things like overall levels of productivity as well as levels of work performance. At the end of the day, this just goes to show that even just taking a few steps in the right direction can lead to lasting and important change within a working place.
All things considered, the problem of employee retention is one that can be readily addressed in America.